Saturday, July 10, 2010

Plans Go Awry

So, my day didn't go quite as planned. I don't have to be at work at the restaurant until 6 pm (gasp!), so, having examined the local paper's classifieds, I was planning on going to my first ever estate sale. When I got there, I found out it had been cancelled due to the rain, and was rescheduled for tomorrow. But since I have to work a double tomorrow, no estate sale for me. But since I was in Bel Air anyway, I stopped at JoAnn's and Michael's to pick up some stuff for another set of tags I'm going to do for my swap, one of the ladies' tags got lost in the mail, so I'm going to try to make something up so that it will still be 20 tags. I also visited a consignment shop, two Goodwill stores, and the thrift store in Edgewood. I found these great items, that I will use in the Vintage Bling Charm Swap for Silver Bella.

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