Monday, May 28, 2012

Creamed Chip Beef

After making the Welsh Rabbit yesterday, Tom had commented on its similarity to Creamed Chipped Beef, how expensive it was to buy at the grocery store prepackaged, and how we might be able to do it inexpensively at home. We looked at a few recipes on-line, and found one that might work.

Creamed Chipped Beef

1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon flour
1 cup milk
1 oz dried beef, cut into bite-sized squares

Melt butter in saucepan.
Gradually add flour, stirring constantly until smooth.
Slowly add milk, stirring constantly until thick and creamy.
Add beef, and heat on medium heat, until weel coated and warmed through.
Serve over toast.
I thought it tasted incredibly bland, but Tom loved it, which was the point entirely. We even scaled up the recipe to make 12 Tom sized servings, and are planning on making it and freezing indivual portions soon. I love food success!

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