Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy Fifth of July

Another day, another July 4th weekend over and done with. And boy, was it busy. Today, I didn't have as many band obligations as yesterday, but all of the other obligations are what tired me out. My day started out with working at Huber. Then, at an appropriate time, I walked over to the high school, which is where the band was meeting for the Havre de Grace parade. We performed, and I saw lots of people I know. At the end of the parade, I walked back to where Mel and Whitney were sitting, and hung out with them until the end of the parade. Then I walked back to work, finished filling out some paperwork, then changed clothes. Charlie, one of the ladies on the band's Equipment Crew, had invited me to her house for a cookout, so I headed over there. A couple of band kids were there with their parents, and some of her friends from work, and it was a nice time, eating and watching the kids playing volleyball, badmitton, and ping pong. I even played a little ping pong - quite badly, I might add. After about two hours, I said good-bye, and headed over to Mel's for her cookout. There were some Tidewater girls there, as well as some Tidewater regulars, and Mel's family and friends. I ate a little - quite honestly, I'd had enough to eat at Charlie's - and I helped a little boy named Donovan catch fireflies. When the fireworks started, we all walked closer to the park, and it was a very nice show. Then, I returned to my car with Megan and Egan, and battled the traffic in town, first dropping them off at Julie's house, then heading home. Who would have thought that a couple hours of work, a parade, and a few parties could be so tiring?

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